If you are receiving an ingest stream at 4K resolution, 10Mbps bitrate, and 120FPS, and need to send it to multiple vendors in different formats, Castr makes the process seamless with the following workflow:
Steps to Achieve This:
Create a Livestream
First, set up a livestream in Castr.
Create a Transcoder
Set up a transcoder to convert the original stream into the required format.
Configure and Route the Stream
Push your 4K stream to the transcoder.
Adjust the encoding settings (resolution, bitrate, FPS) to match the requirements of your first vendor.
Set the destination as the livestream you created in Step 1.
Add Vendor Destinations
Add your vendor’s destination (SRT, HLS, or other formats) in livestream.
The transcoded stream will be sent directly to them.
Repeat for Additional Vendors
If another vendor requires a different stream configuration, repeat Steps 1–4.
Create a separate transcoder instance and set the parameters accordingly.
Sending a Constant RTMP/SRT Pull URL to Vendors
If your vendor requires an RTMP or SRT pull URL, you can do this easily in Castr by following these steps:
Create Another Livestream
This new livestream will act as a relay for the pull URL.
Link It to Your Original Livestream
From the first livestream, add the newly created livestream as a custom destination. Follow this guide to set up a permanent RTMP address for the custom destination.
This ensures vendors always receive the stream at the same URL.
By following these steps, you can efficiently manage multiple streaming formats and ensure your vendors receive the streams in the exact specifications they need.