When several people need to work on the same live stream production, you may need a constant RTMP address (or constant RTMP URL) to share the stream with your collaborators.
In Castr, add the append -1 to both of your Push and Pull server URLs to get a static RTMP address.
Your original Push URL is:
Your constant Push URL will be:
Your constant Pull URL will be:
Note: Before generating the Pull URL, ensure that you have set the Push URL as constant to obtain the accurate constant Pull URL.
Please follow our suggested links below for each region:
| Multistream | All in One |
US Central (Dallas, TX) | rtmp://da-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://da-1.castr.io/static |
US West (Los Angeles, CA) | rtmp://la-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://la-1.castr.io/static |
US West (Seattle, WA) | rtmp://se-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://se-1.castr.io/static |
US East (Chicago, IL) | rtmp://ch-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://ch-1.castr.io/static |
US East (Miami, FL) | rtmp://mi-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://mi-1.castr.io/static |
US East (New York, NY) | rtmp://ny-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://ny-1.castr.io/static |
NA-East (Toronto, CA) | rtmp://qc-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://qc-1.castr.io/static |
Mexico | rtmp://mx-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://mx-1.castr.io/static |
SA (Sao Paolo, BR) | rtmp://br-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://br-1.castr.io/static |
Bogotá (Colombia) | rtmp://bg-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://bg-1.castr.io/static |
Santiago (Chile) | rtmp://santiago-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://santiago-1.castr.io/static |
EU-Central (Frankfurt, DE) | rtmp://fr-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://fr-1.castr.io/static |
EU-West (London, UK) | rtmp://uk-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://uk-1.castr.io/static |
Copenhagen (Denmark) | rtmp://cp-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://cp-1.castr.io/static |
Osla (Norway) | rtmp://os-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://os-1.castr.io/static |
Athens (Greece) | rtmp://at-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://at-1.castr.io/static |
Australia (Sydney) | rtmp://au-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://au-1.castr.io/static |
Africa (Johannesburg, SA) | rtmp://jh-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://jh-1.castr.io/static |
Africa (Lagos, Nigeria) | rtmp://lagos-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://lagos-1.castr.io/static |
Asia (India) | rtmp://in-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://in-1.castr.io/static |
Asia (Singapore) | rtmp://sg-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://sg-1.castr.io/static |
Asia (HongKong) | rtmp://hk-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://hk-1.castr.io/static |
Asia (Tokyo) | rtmp://jp-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://jp-1.castr.io/static |
Middle East (Dubai) | rtmp://ae-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://ae-1.castr.io/static |
Middle East (Istanbul) | rtmp://me-1.castr.io/static | rtmp://me-1.castr.io/static |
For further questions, please chat with our support team.