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How to connect Castr with OBS using SRT

How to send the stream to Castr from OBS using SRT in a few steps

Nhu Lam avatar
Written by Nhu Lam
Updated over a month ago

Streaming with the SRT protocol enables high-quality video streaming even over unreliable network connections. This guide will walk you through how to send the stream from OBS to Castr using SRT

  1. Create a new livestream or open an existing one on Castr.

  2. In your streaming dashboard, you can find the SRT URL automatically generated by Castr. Click the Copy button next to the URL to copy it to the clipboard

  3. Launch OBS

  4. Navigate to Settings by clicking the Settings button

  5. Select the Stream tab in the Settings window

  6. In the Service dropdown menu, select Custom. Then paste the copied SRT URL into the Server field and leave the Stream Key field empty.

  7. Click OK to save your settings

  8. Return to the main OBS window. Click Start streaming and you're all set to go live.

Need Help?

We hope this guide helps you stream smoothly with SRT and OBS on Castr. If you need any assistance, our support team is always happy to help!

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